Saturday, October 17, 2009

French fruit tart

Cooking : time 10 to 30 mins


55g/2oz butter
250g/9oz short crust pastry
125g/4oz dark chocolate
570ml/1 pint double cream
vanilla pod (or 2-3 drops of vanilla essence)
40g/1%26frac12;oz icing sugar
900g/2lb raspberries


1. Soften the butter and grease the tin, leave to one side.
2. Roll out the pastry, using a little flour if necessary, to form a round shape turning the pastry as you go. Roll it as thin as you dare.
3. Roll the pastry around the rolling pin and lay over the tin.
4. Using your hands and being vehicleeful not to stretch the pastry ease it gently into the edges of the tin. Leave the trimmings to hang over the sides.
5. Make a circle of greaseproof to cover the inside of the tin by folding a square of greaseproof paper into 6 and tearing the edges.
6. Put the paper into the tin and add baking beans/rice and place in the fridge to rest for at least 10 minutes.
7. Place in a preheated oven 200C/400F/Gas6 for 15-20 minutes. After 10 minutes remove the paper and beans and return the pastry case to the oven to brown the base.
8. Remove the base and while it is cooling melt the chocolate over hot water. Paint the inside of the tart with the chocolate and leave it to set.
9. Whip the cream, add the seeds from the vanilla pod or the vanilla essence and fold in the icing sugar.
10. Remove the pastry case from the tin, spoon in the cream and level the lid. Pile on the raspberries and serve.

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Orignal From: French fruit tart

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