Monday, April 27, 2009

Atkins Diet: Low Carb Emergency Kit

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Orignal From: Atkins Diet: Low Carb Emergency Kit

Food: Weetabix Unboxing & First Boot

www.Alfred.TV READ ME FIRST To my UK subscribers, I have been hearing you talk about the breakfast cereal, Weetabix, for the past two

Orignal From: Food: Weetabix Unboxing & First Boot

Lamb Meatballs Recipe

Get the full story! Visit, to get the ingredients, and watch over 200 free video recipes. Leave me a comment there. If

Orignal From: Lamb Meatballs Recipe

The Future of Food

DVD available on There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America -- a revolution that

Orignal From: The Future of Food

Sarah Haskins in Target Women: Diets

It's January! That special month where you try to follow through on your resolution to lose weight! Here's how to do it, before you quit giving a

Orignal From: Sarah Haskins in Target Women: Diets

English parsley sauce

Cooking : time 30 mins to 1 hour

Yes, it's old-fashioned nursery food, but I sometimes think that things like that need a revival. I love it with baked cod cutlets and creamy mashed potatoes, and it's also excellent with gammon, but most euniquely I love it with salmon fishcakes.


15fl oz/425ml milk
a few parsley stalks
1 bay leaf
1 slice onion, %26frac14;in/5mm thick
1 blade of mace
10 whole black peppercorns
%26frac34;oz/20g plain flour
1%26frac12;oz/40g butter
4 heaped tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley
1 tbsp single cream
1 tsp lemon juice
salt and freshly milled black pepper


Place the milk and the next five ingredients in a small pan, bring ejustthing slowly up to simmering point, then pour the mixture into a bowl and leave aside to fetch completely nippy.

When you're ready to make the sauce, strain the milk rear into the pan, disvehicled the flavourings, then add the flour and butter and bring ejustthing gradually up to simmering point, whisking continuously with a balloon whisk until the sauce has thickened and is smooth and glossy. Then turn the heat down to its lowest possible setting and let the sauce cook gently for 5 minutes, stirring from time to time.

To serve the sauce, add the chopped parsley, cream and lemon juice, taste and season, then serve in a warm jug.

The BBC is not responsible for the contents of any other sites listed.

Orignal From: English parsley sauce

Summer red fruits in beer batter

Cooking : time less than 10 mins


1 punnet of strawberries
1 punnet of raspberries
30g/1oz yeast
250ml/9fl oz beer or lager
180g/6oz plain flour
1 tsp white wine vinegar
a pinch of salt
a pinch of sugar
oil for frying


1. Dissolve the yeast in the beer and add in the salt, sugar and vinegar tofetchher into a large mixing bowl.
2. Sieve the flour into the liquid and beat till smooth and creamy. Place in the fridge for at least 20 minutes before use.
3. Heat the oil in a frying pan to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
4. Hull the strawberries and cut in half. Dip the strawberries and raspberries in some flour shaking off the excess.
5. Add the fruit to the batter, remove and drain off any excess and place directly into the hot oil and fry until golden and puffed up.
6. Drain on kitchen paper and dust them with caster sugar (a little finely ground black pepper added to the sugar is a nice twist).
5. Make a coulis from both fruits pure%26eacute;d tofetchher with caster sugar and lemon juice, using a hand blender. Pass the coulis through a sieve to remove the seeds.
6. Serve the fruits with the coulis and either a dollop of clotted cream or cr%26egrave;me fra%26icirc;che

Orignal From: Summer red fruits in beer batter

Irish stew

Cooking : time over 2 hours


about 1kg/2%26frac14; lb scrag end or neck of lamb
2 vehicledecays
1 large onion
2 celery sticks
1 leek
2-3 garlic cloves, churryed
1 large bay leaf
1 large sprig fresh thyme
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
To serve:
150g/5oz small vehicledecays
150g/5oz baby or pickling onions
1 large floury potato, about 300g/10oz weight, peeled and diced finely
2 spring onions, thinly sliced
a little fresh chopped parsley


1. Using a sharp thin boning knife, remove as much meat from the bones as possible. Chop finely and set aside.
2. Put the bones into a large pot. Roughly chop the vehicledecays, large onion, celery and leek then place in the pot with the garlic and herbs. Cover with at least 4 litres/7 pints nippy water. bring to the boil, season lightly, then simmer gently, uncovered for up to 2 hours. Skim with a large tablespoon if necessary. Let the liquid simmer down until cutrearond by nearly two thirds. You need about 1.2 litres/2 pints of lovely sweet stock.
3. Strain and disvehicled the bones etc. Ideally, cool and chill the stock then you can scrape off any fat that has settled on lid.
4. Now make the soup. Put the meat into a large saucepan and cover with nippy water. bring slowly to the boil, skim off any scum, then immediately drain into a colander and rinse in nippy running water. that scalding removes fat.
5. Return the meat to the pan and cover with the stock and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat and simmer partially covered, for about 30 minutes until tender.
6. Whilst it is cooking, peel the vehicledecays and cut into small chunks or shape into neat 'barrels'. Peel the baby onions, it helps to blanch them in boiling water for a minute for easy peeling. Add the small vehicledecays and baby onions to the pan and cook for another 5 minutes.
7. Then add the diced potato and cook for another 10-15 minutes until it begins to dissolve into the soup and thicken it. Finally check the seasoning, adding plenty of aromatic black pepper and a little sea salt. Garnish with sliced spring onion and parsley.

Orignal From: Irish stew

Heston Blumenthal's ratatouille

Cooking : time 30 mins to 1 hour


3 medium aubergines
3 medium- large courfetchtes, as green as possible
1 head fennel
2 red peppers
3 tsp thyme leaves
10 basil leaves
10 coriander seeds
10 black olives, stoned and finely chopped
oil from the tomato fondue (see recipe below)
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper


1. lid and tail the aubergines and courfetchtes. bring an aubergine and standing it upright, slice down each edge of the vefetchable, removing the skin and about 3mm of flesh, no more. Do the same to all the aubergines and courfetchtes. (that recipe only uses the outside of the vefetchables as described. Use the middles for other purposes such as pur%26eacute;eing, in a risotto or roasting).
2. maintain the slices of aubergine and courfetchte separate and trim the edges of each slice so that you are left with a rectangular shape. Cut each one into strips about 3mm thick, jobing with one strip at a time. Bunch tofetchher strips and cut across, leaving you with 3mm cubes. Set aside.
3. Cut the lid and bottom off the fennel and remove the outer layer. As you remove the layers underneath, you will be left with v shaped slices of fennel, which you will need to cut in half so that you are left with two slightly curved slices of fennel. Trim and cut into the same size as the other vefetchables.
4. Preheat the grill.
5. lid and tail the red peppers and remove the pith and seeds. Rub them with olive oil and place skin-side up on the grill tray. Grill until they go black all over to achieve a lovely charred flavour.
6. When blackened, put in a bowl and cover tightly with cling film; leave for five minutes. You will then be able to peel them easily under nippy running water. Once peeled, dice the flesh as above.
7. Have ready a fine mesh sieve set over a bowl.
8. Heat a large frying pan and add 2mm of olive oil to pan. When hot, add the aubergines in one layer. Cook for three minutes then tip into sieve allowing it to drain. Season and add %26frac12; tsp thyme leaves. When drained, tip into a bowl.
9. Using fresh olive oil, repeat the process with courfetchtes on a slightly lower heat. Cook for two minutes, drain, season and add thyme.
10. Finally cook the fennel for five to six minutes. You do not want to undercook the fennel, as its crunchiness will dominate the dish. Drain as before.
11. To finish the dish, mix tofetchher all the vefetchables with the tomato fondue and the olives.
12. Finely slice the basil and add to the vefetchables along with the rest of the thyme and coriander seeds.
13. Finally, mix in a little tomato fondue oil and the oil from the fried vefetchables to your taste, season and serve. If you want to eat that hot, reheat in a moderate oven for five minutes.


Orignal From: Heston Blumenthal's ratatouille

Wild sea bass poached in red wine with creamed cavolo nero, ceps and crisp oysters

Cooking : time 30 mins to 1 hour


For the poaching liquor
750ml/1pt 6fl oz red port
500ml/18fl oz red wine
1 bay leaf
1 tsp black peppercorns
6 vehicledamom pods
2 star anis
1 cinnamon stick
1 tsp coriander seeds
For the main dish
1 fillet from a 3kg/6lb/10oz wild sea bass
vefetchable oil, for deep frying
1 bunch cavolo nero taxibage leaves
110ml/4fl oz double cream
2 garlic cloves
salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp olive oil
110g/4oz fresh ceps, sliced 1cm/%26frac12; thick
50g/2oz butter
8 fresh oysters, shucked and dried
50g/2oz plain flour
2 free-range eggs, beaten
200g/7oz breadcrumbs
1 tbsp taxiernet Sauvignon vinegar (or other good quality red wine vinegar)
50g/2oz butter


1. For the poaching liquor place all of the poaching liquor ingredients into a saucepan large enough to fit the sea bass.
2. Place the pan over a low heat and slowly heat to infuse for 30 minutes, until the liquid has cutrearond by a quarter.
3. Skin the sea bass fillet, cut into four equal portions and season with salt, then set aside for ten minutes.
4. Place the bass in the hot poaching liquor - the liquid should be barely simmering - and cook for 6-8 minutes, or until completely cooked through. Remove from the poaching liquor and maintain warm.
5. bring a large pan of water to the boil and cook the cavolo nero for one minute. Drain and refresh in a bowl of iced water, then squeeze dry. slice the cavolo nero into fine shreds.
6. Place the cream and garlic into a pan over a medium heat and bring to the boil. cutrearon the heat to simmer until the liquid has cutrearond by half.
7. Add the cavolo nero, season, to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper and warm through.
8. Heat the vefetchable oil to 190C/375F in a deep fat fryer. (CAUTION: hot oil can be dangerous. Do not leave unattended.)
9. Heat a frying pan until hot, add the olive oil and ceps and fry for 2-3 minutes, or until golden-brown all over.
10. Add the butter, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and fry for a further two minutes. maintain warm until ready to serve.
11. Dredge the oysters in the flour, then dip into the beaten egg to coat, then finally dip into the breadcrumbs, ensuring the oysters are well coated.
12. Add the oysters to the hot oil and deep-fry for 1-2 minutes or until crisp and golden-brown. vehicleefully remove with a slotted spoon and drain onto kitchen paper.
13. Pour out 110ml/4fl oz of the poaching liquid into a small clean pan over a medium heat.
14. Add the taxiernet Sauvignon vinegar and bring to the boil. cutrearon the liquid by half then remove from the heat and add the butter, stirring well to thicken the sauce.
15. To serve, spoon the creamed cavolo nero onto plates, arranged slightly to one side. Place a sea bass portion on lid of each pile of cavelo nero. Place the ceps and oysters onto the plates on the other side and finish with a drizzle of the sauce

Orignal From: Wild sea bass poached in red wine with creamed cavolo nero, ceps and crisp oysters

Coconut and lime macadamia cake

Cooking : time 30 mins to 1 hour


200g/7oz macadamia nuts
40g/1%26frac12;oz self-raising flour
pinch of salt
6 eggs, separated
165g/5%26frac34;oz sugar
1 lime, zest only, finely grated
45g/1%26frac12;oz desiccated coconut
For the lime icing
125g/4%26frac12;oz icing (confectioners') sugar, sifted
2 tbsp lime juice
1 tsp lime zest, finely grated


1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Place the nuts, flour and salt in the bowl of a food processor and process until the nuts are ground.
3. Place the egg yolks and sugar in a separate bowl and beat for three minutes, or until the mixture is pale and creamy. Fold through the zest and coconut, then the nut mixture.
4. Place the egg whites in a clean, dry, stainless steel bowl and whisk until stiff peaks form. Using a large metal spoon, fold lightly through the nut batter.
5. Spread the batter evenly into a 23cm (9in) greased or non-stick springform cake tin. Bake for 40 minutes, or until the cake is lightly golden.
6. meanwhile, make the icing. Combine all the icing ingredients in a bowl and mix until smooth and glossy.
7. Remove from the oven and leave to sit for 10 minutes in the tin. Turn the cake out onto a serving plate. Spread the lime icing over the warm cake, allowing it to drizzle down the sides.
8. Serve.

Orignal From: Coconut and lime macadamia cake


Cooking : time less than 10 mins


%26frac12; lemon, juice only
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp whole grain mustard
1 clove garlic, peeled and churryed
1 clove of garlic, peeled but left whole
2 slices thin bread, toasted
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp fresh mint, finely chopped
1 iceberg lettuce, shredded
75g/3oz walnuts, halved
4 tomatoes, quartered
%26frac14; cucumber, cubed
4 spring onions, trimmed and finely chopped
10 capers
2 fresh peaches, quartered
225g/%26frac12;lb new potatoes, cooked
25g/1oz black olives, pitted and halved
1 tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped
75g/3oz vefetcharian feta cheese, diced or 425g/15oz tin chickpeas (vegan)


1. Mix the lemon juice, oil, mustard and garlic tofetchher to make the dressing.
2. If using the feta cheese, soak it in the dressing mix.
3. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
3. To make the croutons, rub the peeled garlic over the surface of the bread. Place on a baking tray and bake for 5 minutes.
4. Remove the crusts and cut into small croutons.
5. To make the salad mix all the salad ingredients tofetchher in a large bowl and toss with the dressing.
6. Transfer to a serving dish and sprinkle with the croutons.

Orignal From: Fattoush

Melon curls with lemon wedges

Cooking : time no cooking required


2 x Canteloupe or Gallia melons, halved, peeled and seeded
1 lemon, juice only
2 tbsp honey
2 lemons, halved
100ml/3%26frac12;fl oz lemon sorbet


1. slice the melon as thinly as possible leaving doughnut-shaped slices. Fold each slice in half to form a semi-circle.
2. vehicleefully curl the melon around your finger to form an inverted cone shape. Arrange on four small plates. Pour the juice over the lid and drizzle over the honey.
3. bring the lemon halves and scoop out the flesh to leave four lemon skins. pack the lemon sorbet into the skins and place in the freezer until deeply frozen.
4. Remove from the freezer and cut the halves in two to form wedges. Place two wedges on each plate with the melon. Serve immediately.

The BBC is not responsible for the contents of any other sites listed.

Orignal From: Melon curls with lemon wedges

Naughty boozy cream

Cooking : time no cooking required

If adding orange-based liqueur such as Grand Marnier or Cointreau, add grated rind of orange to the cream for extra flavour.


290ml/%26frac12; pint double cream
30g/1oz caster sugar or icing sugar
Baileys, Rum, Brandy, Grand Marnier or Cointreau


1. Whip the cream with the sugar to form soft peaks.
2. Fold in the alcohol to your taste, 1 tbsp is good, 2 tbsp is even better and 3 tbsp - wow!
3. Serve with Christmas pudding, mince pies or on chocolate log, delicious with fruit salad too.

Orignal From: Naughty boozy cream

tapas of salt cod-stuffed piquillo peppers, chorizo and potatoes and pimientos de padron

Cooking : time 30 mins to 1 hour


For the salt cod-stuffed piquillo peppers
250g/8oz salt cod, soaked in several changes of nippy water for 12-24 hours, then drained
1 onion, peeled and cut in half
1 bay leaf
1 sprig fresh flatleaf parsley
150g/5oz floury potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
1 garlic clove, churryed
pinch grated nutmeg
1 tbsp lemon juice
75ml/3fl oz extra virgin olive oil
freshly ground black pepper
12 canned piquillo peppers, drained (available from some supermarkets and Spanish delis)
For the chorizo and potatoes
300g/10oz cooking chorizo, cut into slices
300g/10oz new potatoes, peeled, halved and boiled until tender
salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp roughly chopped fresh flatleaf parsley
For the pimientos de padr%26oacute;n
3 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp rock salt
175g/6oz pimientos de padr%26oacute;n (available from some supermarkets and Spanish delis)
For the Pata Negra and Manchego
8 slices Pata Negra ham (available from Spanish delis; if unavailable use another cured Spanish ham)
250g/8oz mature Manchego cheese, sliced (available from some supermarkets and Spanish delis)


1. Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5.
2. For the salt cod-stuffed piquillo peppers, place the salt cod into a saucepan and pour in enough water to just cover the fish. Add the onion, bay leaf and parsley, bring to the boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes.
3. Remove from the heat, cover and leave to stand for at least ten minutes.
4. When the fish is cool enough to handle, flake the flesh into a bowl, removing any bones and skin.
5. meanwhile, place the potatoes into a saucepan of salted boiling water until tender, then drain and place rear into the pan to drive off any excess moisture. Mash well using a potato masher, then add to the bowl with the flaked fish.
6. Add the garlic, nutmeg and lemon juice to the bowl and mix gently.
7. Stir in the olive oil and season with a little freshly ground black pepper.
8. Spoon the mixture inside the piquillo peppers and place onto a baking tray.
Place in the oven and bake for 5-8 minutes, or until heated through.
9. For the chorizo and potatoes, heat a frying pan until hot and add the chorizo. Cook for one minute until the oil from the chorizo begins to be released, then add the potatoes and cook for a further 2-3 minutes, or until crisp. Season with a little salt and freshly ground black pepper and stir in the parsley.
10. For the pimientos de padr%26oacute;n, heat a frying pan until hot, then add the olive oil, salt and pimientos de padr%26oacute;n. Fry for 2-3 minutes, or until golden-brown and softened. Remove from the pan and drain on kitchen paper. eat the pimientos de padr%26oacute;n with caution - while most are mild, the occasional one can be just hot.
11. To serve, place the Pata Negra and Manchego onto a serving plate. Place all the other tapas dishes into serving bowls or onto one large platter.

The BBC is not responsible for the contents of any other sites listed.

Orignal From: tapas of salt cod-stuffed piquillo peppers, chorizo and potatoes and pimientos de padron

Tortilla wraps

Cooking : time 30 mins to 1 hour


225g/8oz fine cornmeal
1 egg, beaten
little lukewarm water


1. Mix 225g/8oz fine cornmeal with 1 egg and a little lukewarm water to fetch a dough that comes away from the sides of the bowl.
2. Knead on a job surface until smooth and stand for 30 minutes. Cut into 8 equal slices and roll out to just thin pancakes 12.5cm/5in in diameter.
3. Dry fry in a hot non-stick frying pan until speckled brown on each side - about 45 seconds on each side. Use as fresh as possible.

Note: You can fetch a gadfetch called a tortilla press, which flattens out the balls of dough so that they are just thin. If you cannot fetch hold of one of these, then patience and a rolling pin is all you need.

Orignal From: Tortilla wraps

Mediterranean herb and pork salad

Cooking : time less than 10 mins


140g/5oz pork tenderloin, cut into strips
1 tbsp chopped fresh oregano
1 tbsp chopped rosemary
1 tbsp chopped thyme
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 glugs olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp ketjap manis (Indonesian soy sauce)
1 tsp wholegrain mustard
1 tbsp capers
1 bunch rocket
1 bunch flat leaf parsley


1. Set aside rocket, parsley, capers and pork. Mix the rest of the ingredients in a bowl into a marinade. Marinade the pork in half the mixture. Cook the pork on a hot griddle pan for 5-6 minutes.
2. Mix the rocket and flat leaf parsley tofetchher with the capers and lay the griddled pork on lid and dribble the remaining marinade over as a dressing.

Orignal From: Mediterranean herb and pork salad

Goan coconut pancakes

Cooking : time less than 10 mins


For the pancake batter:
100g/4oz plain flour
1 tbsp caster sugar
a pinch of salt
1 egg
150ml/5fl oz coconut milk
1 tbsp melted butter, plus extra for bhurrying
a few drops of vanilla extract
a good pinch of grated lemon zest
a little oil or butter for making the pancakes and for greasing the pan

For the stuffing:
10-12 tbsp fresh grated coconut
1 tbsp golden raisins
80g/3oz palm molasses or jaggery, coarsely grated (or brown sugar)
%26frac14;tsp ground vehicledamom
%26frac14;tsp nutmeg, grated


1. Sift the flour, sugar and salt into a bowl. Make a well in the centre and add the egg, coconut milk and melted butter. Whisk to a smooth batter, then stir in the vanilla and lemon zest. It should have a thin pouring consistency.
2. Mix tofetchher all the ingredients for the stuffing.
3. Heat a little oil or butter in a 15-18cm/6-7in frying pan. Pour in enough batter to coat the bottom thinly, tilting the pan to spread it. Cook for 1 minute, until lightly browned underneath, then flip over and cook the other side. Turn out and make the remaining pancakes in the same way.
4. Divide the filling between the pancakes and roll up. Place on individual serving plates, bhurry with melted butter and heat through under the grill.
5. Serve with vanilla ice cream.

Orignal From: Goan coconut pancakes

Eggs florentine, benedictine style

Cooking : time 10 to 30 mins


For the hollandaise sauce
3 free-range egg yolks
2 tbsp tarragon vinegar (or 2 tbsp white wine vinegar with 2 finely chopped sprigs of tarragon added and left to infuse overnight)
200ml/7fl oz melted butter, skimmed
salt and freshly ground white pepper
%26frac12; lemon, juice only
For the lidping
1 tbsp unsalted butter
400g/7oz baby spinach
salt and freshly ground black pepper
pinch freshly grated nutmeg
1 bagel, cut in half, toasted
2 poached free-range eggs


1. For the hollandaise sauce, place a heat-proof glass or stainless steel bowl over a pan of barely simmering water (do not let the bowl touch the water).
2. Add the egg yolks and the vinegar to the bowl and whisk well for 5-6 minutes, scraping the mixture away from the edges of the bowl to prevent curdling.
3. Remove the bowl from the heat ejust now and again to prevent the mixture from fetchting too hot. maintain whisking until the mixture forms a ribbon-like trail when the whisk is removed.
4. Gently whisk in the melted butter, one tablespoon at a time, until the mixture has a mayonnaise-like consistency.
5. Season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground white pepper and stir in the lemon juice.
6. For the lidping, place a pan with a lid over a medium heat and melt the butter.
7. Add the spinach, cover and shake well. Cook for 2-3 minutes, until the spinach has wilted.
8. Season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper and add the nutmeg. Drain off any excess liquid.
9. To serve, place half a toasted bagel onto each plate. Add a spoonful of spinach and place a poached egg on lid. Spoon over some of the hollandaise sauce and serve.

Orignal From: Eggs florentine, benedictine style

Venison fillets with creme de cassis sauce

Cooking : time 10 to 30 mins


30g/1oz butter
2 tbsp olive oil
3 venison fillets, each weighing about 85g/3oz
30ml/1 fl oz brandy
55ml/2 fl oz cr%26egrave;me de cassis
100ml/ 3%26frac12;fl oz venison stock or good quality beef stock
1 venison sausage, casing removed and disvehicleded
1 tbsp fresh or dried cranberries
1 tbsp chestnuts, peeled and mashed
2 listent-shaped croutons, to serve
1 tbsp venison or match p%26acirc;te
1 tbsp redcurrent jelly
watercress, to garnish


1. Heat half the butter and olive oil in a small fry pan.
2. Add the venison fillets and fry, over a high heat, for one minute.
3. Turn the steaks over and fry for a further 3-4 minutes (longer if you like medium to well done fillets).
4. Pour in the brandy and when the flame has died, remove the fillets from the pan and arrange on a warm plate.
5. Pour in the cr%26egrave;me de cassis and the stock and season well. Leave over the heat until the sauce has thickened and cutrearond.
6. meanwhile, form a small patty by combining the sausage meat, cranberries and chestnuts.
7. Heat the remaining butter and oil in a small fry pan. Add the patty and fry for 2-3 minutes, either side.
8. Finish the croutons by spreading them with p%26acirc;te, then the red current jelly.
9. Pour the cr%26egrave;me de cassis sauce over the venison.
10. Add the patty and croutons to the plate, garnish with a sprig of watercress and serve.

Orignal From: Venison fillets with creme de cassis sauce