Monday, June 1, 2009

Grocery Haul! - Non-Processed Diet Food Purchases

All the groceries that I bought for this week - many of which answer questions y'all had about how/what I would buy and eat. Also, I talk a lot about random things :P I love when people film their refrigerators or grocery purchases because every video, without a doubt, gives me more ideas for my own diet. I hope I give you some new ideas, and maybe kindle your desire to try new combos or new foods :D Kristy: kristea0337 Natalie: coquinat Zurple: zurplemoon

Orignal From: Grocery Haul! - Non-Processed Diet Food Purchases

Kansas City Dry Rub Recipe by the BBQ Pit Boys

this sweet barbecue rub, Kansas City style, works real well with most anything barbeque including chicken, pork and beef! Be sure to make yourself a big batch of this dry rub and keep it handy.

Orignal From: Kansas City Dry Rub Recipe by the BBQ Pit Boys

Street Food - New York - June28 Part 2

One of the world's most famous hymns to commerce, New York's thousands of street food vendors - and the fare they sell - reflect its eclectic ethnic mix. But as we find out, life on the streets can be harsh, belying the city's rich and glamorous image.

Orignal From: Street Food - New York - June28 Part 2

Russian Borsch Recipe/ by

Step by step cooking video tutorial "How to cook authentic borsch" sponsored by

Orignal From: Russian Borsch Recipe/ by

My Daily Diet Tips

I have been asked many times what and when I eat in a typical day. This is a tour through my normal day of eating - it is not meant as a guide for others. You can try this approach and see if it works for you, but everyone requires an individual approach to their diet. You can get more information about diet, fitness and exercise on my site www.BodyRock.Tv

Orignal From: My Daily Diet Tips

Food That Kills - Part 1 of 6

Explore the consequences of a meat (animal based) diet. Are we really designed to be omnivores OR does a plant based diet suit us best? Dr. M. Klaper MEDICAL STATISTICS * The third highest cause of deaths in the US is what is termed "iatrogenic", which means "induced in a patient by a physician's activity, manner, or therapy." This accounts for an estimated 225000 deaths per annum which is about 10% of total deaths from all causes including old age. Of ...

Orignal From: Food That Kills - Part 1 of 6