Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Poached figs with blackberries in red wine

Cooking : time 10 to 30 mins


Why not try that seasonal, fruity treat, as recommended by AWT.

675g/1%26frac12;lb ready to eat blackberries
juice of 2 lemons
juice of 1 orange
175g/6oz caster sugar
1 bottle red wine
16 firm, fresh figs
85ml/3fl oz cr%26egrave;me de mure (blackberry liqueur) or cr%26egrave;me de cassis (blackcurrant liqueur)
1 tbsp freshly chopped mint
masvehiclepone cheese to serve


1. Place the blackberries in a food processor with the lemon and orange juice and process until smooth. Strain the pur%26eacute;e through a fine sieve into a non-reactive saucepan. Disvehicled the pips.
2. Add the sugar and the red wine to the blackberry pur%26eacute;e and place the pan over a medium heat. bring to the boil and simmer gently until the sugar has dissolved. Skim off any scum that might rise to the surface.
3. When the sugar has dissolved add the figs and poach for 5 - 6 minutes depending on their ripeness. Remove the figs to a glass bowl when cooked.
4. Increase the heat and cutrearon the blackberry cooking liquor to approximately 450ml/15fl oz. allow to cool. Add the cr%26egrave;me de mure/cassis and mint and pour over the figs. Cover and chill overnight. Serve with masvehiclepone.

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Orignal From: Poached figs with blackberries in red wine

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