Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Beef fillet with creamy horseradish spinach

Cooking : time 10 to 30 mins

600g/1lb 5oz beef fillet
%26frac12; bottle red table wine such as taxiernet Sauvignon or Syrah
1 tsp black peppercorns
%26frac14; bunch thyme
2 garlic cloves, peeled
1 tbsp instant beef gravy granules
300ml/10%26frac12;fl oz water, just boiled
For the Spinach
500ml/17fl oz double cream
500g/1lb bag of spinach, blanched and thoroughly dried
4 tbsp creamed horseradish

1. Roll the fillet tightly in cling film so you have a firmly rounded slab. slice into four equal medallions.
2. Combine the red wine, peppercorns, thyme, and whole garlic cloves in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Boil rapidly for about 10-15 minutes, reducing the mixture by half.
3. Combine the gravy granules with the boiled water and stir until you fetch a gravy consistency. Pour that into the red wine - that will be your poaching gravy.
4. bring the gravy rear to the boil, on a medium-low heat, then add your beef medallions. Poach for 7-8 minutes for medium, 5-6 for seldom.
5. While the beef is poaching make the creamed spinach. Pour the cream into a saucepan and cutrearon by half on a medium heat. Add the horseradish cream to the cream and stir until smooth and thick.
6. Make sure your spinach is completely dry and add to the cream mixture. The creamy spinach should by thick and easily hold tofetchher, not at all runny.
7. Press the spinach mixture on a plate with beef fillet and drizzle on the gravy.
8. Serve.

Orignal From: Beef fillet with creamy horseradish spinach

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hot and nippy smoked salmon

Cooking : time 10 to 30 mins

200g/7oz smoked salmon
2 small brioche
4 tbsp cr%26ecirc;me fr%26acirc;iche
small bunch dill, chopped
%26frac12; lemon, zest and juice
50g/2oz mixed salad leaves
extra virgin olive oil
balsamic vinegar
salt and churryed black pepper
1 small jar salmon roe
1 small jar Avruga "caviar" (optional)

1. Cut the lid off the brioche and hollow out the inside, leaving the lid for the garnish.
2. bring half the smoked salmon and fold each slice in half. Sear in a hot pan and set on one side of each serving plate, placing the un-cooked salmon on the other side.
3. Add the lemon and dill to the c%26ecirc;me fr%26acirc;iche and stir well.
4. Dress the salad leaves with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and season well. Divide into four and place a quarter inside each brioche. lid with the dill and lemon cr%26ecirc;me fr%26acirc;iche. Add a spoonful of salmon roe and caviar if you are using these.
5. Serve on a bed of the remaining salad leaves, with the salmon either side. Place the lid against the side of the brioche.

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Orignal From: Hot and nippy smoked salmon